Enhance your desktop with a Dale
Earnhardt theme!
We recommend saving
wallpaper background files to your Windows directory. Usually this is: C:\Windows.
Detailed instructions | How to install your Full Screen Illustration:
1. Select the Desktop Pattern you wish to download above.
2. A large version of the image should load in your web browser.
Right-click on the image and select "Save Pictures As...". You should be
prompted by a dialog box that asks you where you wish to save the file, select your
"Windows" directory (most likely on your "C" drive) write down the
name of the file and save the file there.
3. To make the Pattern active, go to your "Start" menu and
select "Settings".
4. Choose "Control Panel" and select "Display."
6. From the "Display" menu click on the
"Background" tab. If you saved the file in your Windows directory, it should
appear in the list of backgrounds. If you saved the file outside of your Windows
directory, use the "browse" button find the file in the location that you saved
6. Select "center" in the display box in the lower right
side of the Background tab. OR, if stretch is an option, click it. Finally, click the
"OK" button and you should be set to go!
Enhance your desktop with a Dale
Earnhardt theme!
Currently two desktop themes are available. More will follow.
Please do not redistribute any
backgrounds from this site without consent from The Earnhardt Connection.
This site is not affiliated with
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